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[av_heading heading=’The etrainu Learning Management System (LMS)’ tag=’h1′ style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’16’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” av_uid=’av-3pcpvd9′]
The etrainu Learning Management System is the most simple and effective way to deploy, manage and monitor training across your entire organisation.
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Our LMS allows your organisation to administer and manage training across multi site, multi level organisations and just as simply caters to implementation for a small number of users or individuals. The etrainu system is very user friendly with many clients commenting on our easy usability and functional interface. We complement this will a strong support model. etrainu’s customer focussed service delivery to clients and participants is a cornerstone of our offering, ensuring the simplest easiest path to implementation with no hidden or add on fees.
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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Why do businesses use the etrainu LMS?’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-384w4m5′][/av_heading]
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Our sophisticated LMS is continually updated and refined so we can confidently supply any business in any industry with centralised online training in a simple, cost-effective and time-saving manner.
We have delivered hundreds of thousands of courses online, have over 160,000 participants in our etrainu system and have more than 10 years operating as a Learning Management System provider. We are passionate about innovation and continue to advance our delivery processes to align with ever-changing technologies.
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[av_icon_box position=’top’ boxed=” icon=’ue99a’ font=’etrainu-icons’ title=’Does your business access accredited training?’ link=” linktarget=” linkelement=” font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” color=” custom_bg=” custom_font=” custom_border=” av_uid=’av-31tgyyl’]
etrainu will set up your client account at no cost. Only pay for training you purchase! etrainu stores all training records in the one place, accessible at any time.
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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Simplicity & Intelligence ‘ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’16’ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-2utmm2l’]
A simple way for employees to login & access training
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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’Your Training, Your Way’ color=’meta-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’16’ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-2otjz7h’]
We set up your LMS with access levels & management structure aligned to your business.
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[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’How can the etrainu Learning Management System support your business?’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” av_uid=’av-2g4o1nx’][/av_heading]
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Whether it’s building and managing a tailor built Learning Academy; meeting compliance objectives; or accessing our ready made programs, etrainu is flexible and dynamic. We customise the system design, certificates and module design so it looks like your own; we manage your set up and guide you through the e-learning process; we custom design features based on your business needs.
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We help businesses:
- Save money
- Improve business performance
- Reach business objectives
- Meet regulatory requirements
- Record competency & proficiency
- Make employees accountable for training completion
- Ensure the experience is interactive and engaging
The etrainu LMS creates a range of reports to view online or export. Our reporting functions allow for the simple management of learner performance and client training objectives, allowing for the effective tracking of employee progress and training completions.
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View all courses [/av_heading] [av_hr class=’short’ height=’70’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ av_uid=’av-xxf9xp’] [av_testimonials style=’grid’ columns=’2′ interval=’10’ font_color=” custom_title=” custom_content=” av_uid=’av-x22l7x’] [av_testimonial_single src=’5692′ attachment=” name=’Pat Hills’ subtitle=’Training & Development Manager’ link=’http://qccu.com.au/’ linktext=’QCCU’ av_uid=’av-v7hon1′] etrainu has enabled us to ensure our staff are up-to-date in the ever-evolving world of compliance in the finance and health insurance industries. We are able to produce our own training modules and have them converted ready for allocation to staff in a very efficient and timely manner. We have seen continuous improvement in their system which ensures our staff get quality, relevant and timely training. [/av_testimonial_single] [av_testimonial_single src=’4279′ attachment=” name=’Phil Allison’ subtitle=’Founder and Managing Director’ link=’http://www.corporate-edge.com.au/home/’ linktext=’Corporate Edge’ av_uid=’av-sid8q5′] etrainu are not only leaders in their field but more importantly simply a pleasure to do business with. Their genuine care, high levels of trust and professionalism allow them to be the ideal partner in building cutting edge digital products and programs. [/av_testimonial_single] [av_testimonial_single src=’5694′ attachment=” name=’ Paul Simmonds’ subtitle=’Manager’ link=’http://www.thewoolshed.com.au/’ linktext=’The Woolshed’ av_uid=’av-2qp3x9′] The Woolshed has been using the training services of etrainu for many years now, and have found them to provide a professional service, utilising course material that is relevant to our needs, in line with continuing legislative changes, and delivered in a clear and concise manner. Over the years The Woolshed has seen a shift from traditional classroom based training methods towards online variants and welcomes the convenience this format offers. [/av_testimonial_single] [av_testimonial_single src=’4278′ attachment=” name=’Kiri Wallace’ subtitle=’National Retail Operations Manager’ link=’http://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/’ linktext=’ Discount Drug Stores ‘ av_uid=’av-qb8qfh’] We have been working with etrainu for over 12 months now and are currently developing a series of Customer Service modules that feature on our company’s online training platform. The experience from beginning to end has been a very smooth and streamlined process. The etrainu team went above and beyond to ensure the end result not only met but exceeded our expectations. Our modules are both professional and informative and have been developed in a style that is interesting, fun and engaging for our staff. We would highly recommended etrainu to any industry considering the development of online training modules. [/av_testimonial_single] [av_testimonial_single src=’8241′ name=” subtitle=’Human Resources Administrator’ link=’http://www.nerangrsl.com/’ linktext=’Nerang RSL and Memorial Club ‘ av_uid=’av-o2t2lp’] Over the past 7 years the club has greatly benefitted from etrainu’s professional services and I love that they are continually upgrading its range of courses to keep up with this fast changing industry. The fresh new look and interactive staff induction is easy to follow and has been personalised to the club needs. The etrainu staff are friendly, helpful and prompts in responding to any questions & queries we may have. A Human Resources Dream. [/av_testimonial_single] [/av_testimonials] [/av_one_full] [/av_section] [av_section color=’main_color’ custom_bg=’#ffffff’ src=” attachment=” attach=’scroll’ position=’top left’ repeat=’no-repeat’ video=” video_ratio=’16:9′ min_height=” padding=’no-padding’ shadow=’no-shadow’ id=’client-logos’ av_uid=’av-mg88e5′] [av_one_full first av_uid=’av-21sz4d’] [av_partner columns=’5′ heading=” size=’no scaling’ border=’av-border-deactivate’ type=’slider’ animation=’fade’ navigation=’no’ autoplay=’true’ interval=’10’ av_uid=’av-1v4hpp’] [av_partner_logo id=’4267′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.qccu.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-gydoct’] [av_partner_logo id=’4266′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.playrugbyleague.com/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-fzzogd’] [av_partner_logo id=’4264′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.bottlemart.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-epeq31′] [av_partner_logo id=’4280′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.corporate-edge.com.au/home/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-byz4n1′] [av_partner_logo id=’4277′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.discountdrugstores.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-alwsod’] [av_partner_logo id=’5803′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.cowboysleagues.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-yham5′] [av_partner_logo id=’5804′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.sealy.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-8622nh’] [av_partner_logo id=’5805′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.metcash.com/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-6bttbh’] [av_partner_logo id=’4263′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://iga.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-4myvv1′] [av_partner_logo id=’5808′ attachment=” hover=” link=’manually,http://www.thewoolshed.com.au/’ linktitle=” link_target=’_blank’ av_uid=’av-2llup9′] [/av_partner] [/av_one_full] [/av_section]