Retail Training Solutions

Retail Training Solutions

Increase the customer service skills, sales management and communication skills of your employees with online training.

Customer Service & Sales Training Online

Our online customer service and sales training will equip your team with the skills needed to deliver consistent customer service standards across your entire retail business, ultimately improving the customer experience.

We offer the Retail Learning Centre which comprises a range of pre-built modules for immediate implementation. In addition we can develop customised course development solutions, all of which are delivered through our Learning Management System (LMS).

  • Improve a broad range of skills
  • Advance customer service
  • Better manage sales
  • Meet compliance and behavioural training requirements
  • Enable staff to enhance the customer experience

The easy and effective way to increase sales and manage risk in your store!

Includes extensive reporting to support you in meeting compliance requirements for your retail business and see where sales training is really meeting the front line delivery team.

Retail Learning Centre

Sign up to the Retail Learning Centre and receive unlimited access to the online customer service, sales and compliance training suite for your employees. This online training has been developed in close consultation with Retail Industry experts.

Product Knowledge Customised Training

Become the best in your industry by providing your team with the product knowledge training they need. Online product knowledge and sales training is the most effective way to ensure your team is fully across your range of products and services, allowing them to meet the needs of your customers. Want to build something specifically tailored to your business – let us help you with our customised training development solutions.

Learning Management System (LMS)

Deliver your online training through the etrainu LMS, which can also be tailored with your business’s very own look and feel, so your employees are logging in to complete their online training in a portal that feels completely like your own. Track and manage online training and store training records all in the one location.

Want a customised online training solution specific to your retail business?